1 Reviews - NOW Foods, Sports, Egg White Protein, Creamy Chocolate, 1.5 lbs (680 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Sep 26, 2023
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

The product "Now Foods Sports Egg White Protein Creamy Chocolate 1.5 lbs 680 g" deserves a positive review for the following reasons: 1. **Effectiveness**: This product contains 20g of protein per serving, which is an excellent source of high-quality protein. Good quality proteins rate well on the PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score), the most accurate measurement of a protein’s quality. This protein rates as one of the highest quality proteins available. 2. **Quality**: Now Foods is a trusted brand known for its high-quality supplements. This product is no exception and users have found it to be one of the better quality Egg White Protein supplements available. 3. **Convenience**: The product is in powder form, making it easy to mix with your favorite beverage. Users have reported that the powder mixes well and does not have any unpleasant taste or aftertaste. 4. **Value for Money**: Considering the health benefits it brings, users have found this product to be good value for money. 5. **Suitable for Individuals with Specific Dietary Needs**: This product is Dairy Free, High Protein, Keto Friendly, Kosher, Made without Gluten, non-GMO, Paleo Friendly, Soy Free, and Sugar Free. This makes it suitable for individuals with specific dietary needs. Overall, "Now Foods Sports Egg White Protein Creamy Chocolate 1.5 lbs 680 g" is a quality product that can help support overall health and well-being. It can be beneficial for individuals looking for ways to support their health and energy levels.