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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Nov 15, 2013
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Used this without realising it had pig speen extract added. Seemed like a good Vot C product due to the added bioflavanoids in higher prportion than other products. I have used Vit C in various forms over many many years - sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, ascirbic acid, ascirbic acid with bioflavanoids, etc etc. capsules or powders are my favourite vehicle for all supplements as I am sensitive to a massive amount of substances used as binders and fillers. I thought this would be fine. It did not achieve anything like the same result as I get from other C products, and within 2 days of starting to take it, my breath was dusgusting in my own mouth. My partner also noticed the difference. I also had headaches/migraines/sinus pain, and generally, all my fibromyalgia symptoms were worse. Puzzled, I checked the label again and saw the Porcine Spleen Extract. It can inly be that that has caused a reaction in me, since I don't react badly to bioflavanoids or ascirbic acid. The taste in my mouth was vile, truly hideous. Sadly, it's been a total waste if money - my partner won't use it in case in produces the same malodorous breath in him - and I cannot recommend this product to anyone. Unless, of course, you absolutely KNOW you aren't going to react badly to this peculiar formulation. I used to take Armour Thyroid, which is a mixture of T3 and T4, made from porcine extract of thyroid gland, and I never had this appalling breath problem. Clearly, my digestive system didn't like it, couldn't break it down properly, or this stink wouldn't have been coming up into my mouth from my stomach. I also felt nauseaous, but I have to stress that I very otten feel thst anyway. Sorry, Progressive Laboratories, but I won't be trying any more of your products. The usual protocol for ensuring you're on the right dise of C is to take 1-2g every hour or so, away from food (ascirbic scid neutralises stomach acid and therefore impairs digestion, so you put a day aside to use this nethod, the Bowel Intolerance Proint protocol, or BIP, as it is better known) and keep count of what you've taken. When your adrenals and other tissues are saturated with C - amount varies from individual to individual, AND within EACH individual depending on hiw much stress thst individual is having to deal with at the time - you experience an urgent need to empty your bowels. So ithat tells you how much you need to "fill up", and then you take that number of grams, reduce it by 1gram, and that's your daily dose fir the next week or so. You want to be full, but nit overflowing! So if it takes, say, 10g to reach BIP, next day you take a total of 9g in divided doses throughout the day, leaving an hour before or after food. When I did my usual BIP test, I got to way more than I usually need to achieve it, with no urgent bowel movement whatsoever, just this vile taste. Will go back to powdered ascorbic acid, or capsules again - but NO pig extracts for me!