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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 13, 2010
Verified Purchase

I believe I have found the answer to a serious problem I have had for many years and hopefully this can help other sufferers. I have trouble swallowing food. This problem started about ten years ago. It doesn't seem to matter if I am happy, stressed, relaxed, or busy - whenever I take a meal, food stops in my esophagus, even tiny well chewed bites. The pain is awful. I can neither swallow nor bring the food up. Saliva further adds to the problem. This condition has worsened the past couple of years. Surgeons wanted to "stretch" my throat which would need to be repeated every few months. I decided there had to be other options. After researching, I determined my system was too acidic and that was compounding the trouble. I stopped drinking coffee (only a half cup per day, but that was evidently too much), cut down on acidic foods and started drinking ginger tea which you can purchase from iherb. I also read that insufficient Thyroid and Adrenal production has dire effects on the body and swallowing problems are one of the primary symptoms. After researching Thyroid and Andrenal production further, I ordered Trimedica liquid Colloidal Iodine. What an incredible change! After a couple of days using Trimedica Colloidal Iodine and drinkig ginger tea instead of coffee, I am able to swallow normally. I still take it slow and chew my food well while eating. The results have been so good I am ordering chewable Adrenal tablets also. I am convinced liquid Thayadine has made the difference in my health. Thank you so much Trimedica and iherb!