1 Reviews - Twinlab, L-Tyrosine, 100 Capsules - iHerb
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Posted on Jan 21, 2014
Posted on Jun 29, 2010
Posted on Jul 20, 2014
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Auto-translated from Russian

Read my afterword (P.S.) The difference in the text before (P.S.) and after two years. L-tyrosine is a precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine, and the adrenal hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, thanks to norepinephrine, retardation and fatigue have gone, to say in simple words, it's better to think and can now concentrate on complex texts, increased understanding of the read and memory improved, Now I do not pass a day without sports, dopamine markedly improved the mood and now I can learn from the fun of many simple things (reading books, listening to m stacking tongues, watching movies) like it became easier to talk, I can talk to a complete stranger in the street, I get the pleasure of communicating, which was previously deprived. I take L-tyrosine usually in the morning on an empty stomach with a coffee, caffeine enhances the ability of tyrosine to stimulate norepinephrine, by the way, it acts like a soft appetite suppressant, it's for those who watch their weight. I advise taking L-tyrosine after a sleepless night, it will improve your well-being If you do not exceed the dose, the side effects are almost completely eliminated, but there are individual characteristics of the organism, and anything happens, although the probability is extremely low. In the event that you take thyroid drugs or levodopa, then you should exclude tyrosine-based supplements, their interaction can reduce the effectiveness or increase the severity of side effects. Just in case, go to the endocrinologist and check the thyroid gland, if you have a thyroid disease, do not take tyrosine without the permission of a doctor. Note the similar preparations of L-Phenylalanine, DLPA (DL-phenylalanine) P.S. Decided to unsubscribe (better late than never, have not visited the site for a long time) In general, the drug ceased to work somewhere in 2-3 months, since then enough time has passed and now it is possible to more fully answer the question whether it is worth it to spend your denunciations, from its previous words do not refuse, BUT, if you suffer Severe, protracted depression, Take it only as an additional remedy for antidepressants and psychotherapy. My main message is that you are the best counselor yourself, I believe that the properties and effects of L-tyrosine should be judged from personal experience and observations.