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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Verified Purchase

I started giving these to my 7 y/o Lab/Hound mix in March. She had been moving more slow than usual, not her normal self. I didn't know what was wrong with her and thought it was her joints. The vet gave her a clear bill of health. I changed her food around, she lost some weight, started moving better and I was giving these to her as a supplement. She has always been really active and always needs a task, never overweight or anything like that. Long of the short of it, she was actually depressed when her friend moved, she has now befriended a pitt mix puppy and her mood is more like herself and less like an old lady....noticed that change right away. We are now going on our 4th bottle, she loves them and so do all the dogs that come to our house. When we come back from an outing at the beach (we live near hilton head SC), we always come home for a Dancing Paw. After a long walk, she wants these and not a buscuit. They seem to help her with what little imflamation she has, they contain devils claw, which I use as well as white willow, also used by me for my arthrtis. She is more energetic, doesn't have any joint issues and is back to doing her normal activity of long walks and bird stalking on the beach. No more occasional limp. The vet asked me what I was doing to keep her looking so good, I always tell them, good quality dog food, dancing paws, love, socialization and excersise. I know they are good for her, b/c my dog turns her nose up to anything with chemicals in it, she won't eat any peanut butter with hydrogenated oil or hfc's, she won't touch junk food or even processed cold cuts, I think its her hound nose. So for her to take these out of my hand, I know they have to be super good or she wouldn't touch them. We will be purchasing more.