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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 22, 2024
Posted on Dec 29, 2023
Posted on Nov 3, 2014
Verified Purchase

This stuff really works. I heard about NAC through my psychiatrist because even though I take medication in conjunction with all sorts of natural supplements, amino acids (including Dr Vera's Pre Gaba, which is a really great product but expensive), nutrition, meditation and exercise, I still have to take a lot of sleeping medication and my anxiety is still crippling. I tried it in a research trial but had to drop out because the dose of 2,000 mg a day just knocked me out so I decided to try it myself and experiment with the doses. This brand appealed to me because before I saw it on iherb I saw this advertised on another website as it has no fillers, binders or added ingredients which I was surprised it didn't say that on iherb as so many of the NAC products I looked at have added ingredients and this is one of the rarer ones that are just the amino acid. I've been trying it out, starting at 300mg morning and night and working my way up to 1,100 at night and still experimenting. I can sleep at night on the minimum medication now and my anxiety has gone down. I'm still waiting to see the effects on depression which was the subject of the NAC trial I participated in but this could potentially be a lifesaver for me. I've stopped taking the GABA as the NAC is pretty much doing the same thing and I'm saving myself a lot of money. Plus I read that it resets synapses in the brain that have been damaged by drug use which I used to be quite a heavy drug user. I am so glad that I stumbled across this product and this one in particular is working great. Another great side effect is I've noticed my skin is glowing as it's a powerful antioxidant and my bowels are moving regularly again. Really awesome product and great price. Can't wait to keep seeing the effects! UPDATE: This has been a life saver, however, perhaps my body is getting used to the effects and I've found that I've had to take up to 5000mg a day, the extra mostly at night, so I am adding another brand of NAC, the Jarrow Formula 500mg caps to my night time routine and to save on money. I've found however, that this brand is a really good starter brand and I've taken it now for at least a year. I had no issues with brain fogginess or anything, but I've needed to add the Jarrow for night time and I've found I can cut down on sleeping medication. Still experimenting.