1 Reviews - Bionaturae, Organic 100% Durum Semolina Lasagne, 12 oz (340 g) - iHerb
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Posted on Jan 25, 2021
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Posted on Sep 6, 2020
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Posted on Aug 15, 2013
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Posted on Jan 9, 2014
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Auto-translated from Russian

My lasagna debut was a success! I did not expect such vkusnotischi!))) Sheets of lasagna production from Italy, USDA organic certification, free of any nasty things that are very important to me! Not just the same as dragging the pasta far away :))) The only negative thing during transport some little sheets for broken (which is 2 or 3 parts). But for me it was not a problem! Buy, do not regret it! Below retseptik delicious vegetarian lasagna! Ingredients: 500 g Mozzarella cheese (. I took the cheese Fetaki on microbial rennet I think that will suit almost any cheese - cheese, Adygei, etc.) Squash 3 pieces of eggplant lasagna sheets 2 pcs Bionaturae, Organic 100% Durum Semolina Lasagne Sauce 1 l (I was homemade from fresh tomatoes) olive oil 100 g grated parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons (Not used, but they are in the original recipe) Rusk bread 2 tablespoons (Not used, but in the original recipe, they are) Salt to taste 1 bunch basil (also added a parsley and fennel) ground black pepper to taste Preparation: 1. The oven heats up to 200 degrees. The balls of mozzarella cut into slices, and give to drain excess fluid. 2. Zucchini and eggplant cut into small slices, salt, pepper and fry in a pan in a little vegetable oil. 3. Form for baking grease and oil pervymsloem spread sheets of lasagna, sauce lubricates them. Then a layer of eggplant and zucchini, and the top layer of mozzarella. Then again, cover with lasagne sheets. Continue to alternate layers until the desired height us. Each layer of dough sprinkled with olive oil and sprinkle with basil leaves. 4. The top layer - plates of lasagna, tomato Sousse greased, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese. 5. Bake for about 30-40 minutes until it is ready, the first 20 minutes, you can cover with foil shape to the tip of the caked not too much. Serve hot. Bon Appetit!