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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 10, 2015
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REMEMBER!! Deer Antler and Medicinal Mushrooms/Herbs take at least a month to build up so don't expect effects after a few doses. That would be unrealistic. If you can't stand the alcohol taste in it, put the drops at the bottom of a glass and pour very hot to boiling water over it, about 4 to 8 ounces. Let cool, then drink. It tastes much better this way. Hello, I have very low white blood cell counts, low iron, and very low IGF-1. After several months on this (about 4 months), my blood work came back better, although my IGF-1 was still low. It was 52 and the reference range is 69-227. at two droperfuls twice/day. My white blood cells increased from 2.1 to 2.9 and my iron went from about 20 to 40. It also raised my testosterone. HOWEVER, I'm not sure it helped my liver enzymes very much, but my hair doesn't fall out as much. I'm glad it did not raise my IGF-1 because when raising IGF-1, SexHormoneBindingGlobulin (SHBG) goes down and testosterone goes up, which is good for me, but I already have high testosterone. It's not good for women with high testosterone in the first place. However, it does help with inflammation, I believe, but it takes 4 full droppers/day. It helps KIDNEY YANG, and I did notice it increased my urine output. It also helped with my immune system, physical stamina, joints, back, knees, bone marrow, red and white blood cells, elasticity in tendons and cartilage (hyalauronic acid), and better complexion, fuller, tighter face and less wrinkles (at least for me). I was coming down with a cold and I increased this along with their Duanwood Reishi and can feel the strengthening effects within 20 minutes. I am willing to pay the price for all that it does because I have some serious health issues and it has been a life saver. I take it with Duanwood Reishi by Dragon Herbs. This Deer Antler tonifies all three treasures in Chinese medicine and is very calming. So there you Go! Go get some.