1 Reviews - Mushroom Wisdom, Maitake D-Fraction, Standard, 360 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jul 3, 2023
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Rewarded Review

Maitake d fraction from Mushroom Wisdom is amazing! Read read the research for yourself you will be amazed. More people need to know about this product specially if they have health issues like cancer. There are numerous studies that both mushroom wisdom and universities along with others have found positive results in shrinking tumors. Leave it or not I use this on a dog that we rescue she ended up with a tumor on her right side near her hind quarters. We took her to a popular animal hospital where they wanted to do a $5,000 surgery. I asked what the chances were that she would survive and they told me 50/50. That was not good enough for me let alone the cost of $5,000. I decided to bring her home, even my daughter told me she was going to die, but I was determined to give one more thing a try. I called the company to find out if it would do any harm to my dog and they said no that's all I needed to hear. I started giving her one capsule mixed with peanut butter on a piece of bread and she would go get down no problem. I did this twice a day morning and night. Within a little over a 3 weeks the tumor was gone. It's slowly just began to disintegrate, which was totally amazing! This dog was suddenly a puppy again even though she was about 8 years old she got her bounce back her fur grew in with the tumor used to be her coat was soft and her actions was like that of a puppy. A friend who had seen her prior could not believe it was the same dog. I say all this because this particular mushroom product has proven to me to be unique in every way. And can be used on both humans and dogs. The quality is top-notch! On top of that my order was received quickly and in perfect condition! Thank you iherb!