1 Reviews - Madhava Natural Sweeteners, Organic Agave Nectar, Irish Creme, 11.75 oz (333 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 15, 2014
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Posted on Jan 21, 2014
Posted on Sep 20, 2014
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Auto-translated from Russian

Mmm, it's just a pleasure .... A real Irish Creme, as in the favorite by many liquor-Bailey. This syrup can be added to coffee, pancakes, syrniki, ice cream - very tasty. Any tasteless coffee will be transformed into a fragrant drink. I've recently ordered decaffeinated coffee here, it was very tasteless, but with this syrup, it's no longer a problem. Agave syrup is often used as a sugar substitute. 2/3 cups of syrup replaces 1 tbsp. Sugar, which does not mean that it is not at all caloric, of course ... Nectar agave is a natural sweetener, with the fact that its sweetness is slightly higher than that of sugar, so even with almost the same calorie intake, the use of syrup is more conveniently. The sweetish taste of agave is due to the presence in the product of not only glucose and fructose, but also inulin. This substance does not belong to dangerous "light" sugars, but it has almost the same sweet taste. Inulin, for example, is contained in such a useful drink as chicory, and it positively affects the work of the intestine. But on the content of glucose in the blood of inulin has virtually no effect, is excreted by the kidneys. It makes agave syrup harmless to the body with sweetness, which can be used as a sweetener for people with certain forms of diabetes. Some sources also say that agave syrup: allows to strengthen immunity due to the presence in it of useful biologically active components; Removes excess fluid from the body; 3) reduces body temperature with fever. And yes, I agree that this syrup is quite liquid. I also want to try the syrup of this company with maple syrup, there's also a small one, like this one. While all maple syrups weigh a lot and are more expensive. As there is still a syrup of this firm with aroma hazelnut and more with additives Amaretto, at them too excellent responses. And of course just agave syrup, also tried it, it has a caramel taste, burnt. This company has 3 types of agave nectars without additives -Light, Amber and Row (raw). Compared to sugar, agave has a LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX, so there should be no ups and downs of sugar levels. If my feedback was useful to you, I would be pleased to know about this if you press yes, thank you :))