1 Reviews - NOW Foods, Spirulina Powder, 100% Pure & Natural, 4 lbs (1814 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 14, 2013
Verified Purchase

Spirulina is a superfood and considered one of the nutritive and healthy foods! Spirulina contains all traces minerals, every amino acid needed by man (about 60% highly absorbable protein), high beta carotene and other caroteniods like zeaxanthin, vitamin B, E, K, high chlorophyll and healthy fats like GLA, DHA. Spirulina is known for boosting immune system, detoxification of heavy metals, lower high blood pressure, lower high cholesterol, lower cancer risk, lower heart diseases and many others as well. Spirulina is suitable for vegetarians. One of the debating points about spirulina is whether it contains B12 or B12 analogue (look alike that is inactive). There is a lot of yes and no so you will have to decide whether to supple with additional B12. As for the price, it’s value for money, considering the benefits and nutrients you can get. This bottle is the cheapest you can get per g. While value for money, I find that it takes a long time to finish the whole container. This can be a problem as the constant opening and closing will no doubt affect the freshness and quality of the spirulina over time. It is recommended to store some portion in air tight container separatedly. I take 2 tablespoons daily with 1 tablespoons of chlorella. Normally, I don’t take more than 4 tablespoons daily as it can give me loose stools due to the strong detoxification effect. Best to take a little and increase dosage slowly to avoid harsh detox side effects. Check out my page for more reviews!