1 Reviews - Pure Planet, Fulvic Zeolite, 1 fl oz (30 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 8, 2024
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Rewarded Review

Have taken this particular Zeolte mire than once. About 5.years ago after I moved out from BAD mold toxic apartment. I had a hyper allergy symptoms from that toxins. Mytoxin , that is the name of toxins from mold toxins. And that toxins stays in the body ,even after you are in a mold free environment. it sits on arthritis, in the skin ,your brain ,having a brain fog ,memory loss and much more , so if you don't help your body to remove that toxins, then your body will nit feel well ,and can change to many sickness, for example MS ,have been researching can build up because of mytoxin in your body. And you can find a natural specialist to chek and measure your body ingredients. Yes ,that I have done more than once ,and always shows exactly how the situation my body is in. Recommend to do that at least try it. There I heard first of thus Zeolite, and was recommended to take ,also Active charcoal, as well Oregano oil - The top detox & cleaning . And Oregano oil strongest bacteria killer Anyway, what Zeolite does over that ,it Deep clean your body of all negative stuff ,toxins & heavy metals - working like a magnet that take all the bad out. But nit your goid minerals you need . I am now I'm taking this ,along with Greens from Paradise Herbs drink that , plus Chlorella Dr mercula ,and Morningstar Minerals - immune boost 77. And after just few days ,I started to feel so back alive again and now new energetic comes to my ,starting to feel good to socially and taking longer walks with my dog. Stop to having random cheast pain all time... Thank god. I did go crying worried to my doctor, thinking something bad was wrong with me, but NO nothing wrong with you he said. So yes the I remember that now ,that is one fact if you feel bad and weird in your body or health. But doctor check you and say that you are just FINE ,but you feel terrible.... *WARNING ,then probably you have a ,,Mold" in your nearest environment, and that is not always possible to see with your eyes, need to go and buy just , home-test. That was at least my experience, and then I was figured that out, the same day ,my doctor call me to say ,that my health have never been better, probably because I was taken a LOT of all kind of vitamins (to help my skin ,hairloss ,tiredness and more) But I felt like dying then. And told my doctor that I was just figuring out ,that was a Mold toxins in my home.. Then he said. Ahhhh.... Okay, now I understand you. I can tell that is a one weird thing ,about being attacked from that type of toxins, somehow even we take the bloodtest ,that never shows on there. IF HELPED, PRESS YES, PLEASE, Thanks. Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY
