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Posted on Apr 25, 2011
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So this has filled out my dental hygiene regiment wonderfully. Here is the routine I use to maintain a healthy mouth and white teeth (not blinding movie star white but a nice natural stain-free white). ______ I don't use toothpaste as they almost all contain an abrasive of some sort which is unnecessary to remove plaque (the very reason for brushing). Instead, I brush with regular 3% diluted hydrogen peroxide found at any grocery or drug store. The HP acts to gently remove the plaque as well disinfect the mouth and gum-line. Because of this, it is unnecessary to vigorously brush the teeth, which over time can lead to damage to the enamel of the teeth. Just brush the teeth gently in a circular motion on the surface of the teeth and at the gum-line. If one has mercury fillings, diluting the HP with water may be beneficial to avoid mercury degradation and leaching, although I feel dilution is unnecessary as it is already diluted to 3% out of the bottle. __________________ Once or twice a week after brushing with the HP., I use the Tooth Brightener to gently exfoliate and remineralize the teeth. I noticed after the first use a marked improvement in the shade of my teeth. It really worked to remove the stubborn stains between the bottom incisors often caused by drinking staining liquids like coffee, tea, and wine. Again, brush gently w/ the tooth whitener and avoid vigorous brushing back and forth. _______________________ And of course daily flossing is a must! If the traditional floss in the rolls isn't to your liking, I recommend the EZ Floss picks sold everywhere. I have heard some dentists are not fans of this method but given the option of no floss or EZ floss I'm sure they'd pick the latter. Hope this helps. Michael