1 Reviews - Twinlab, DMAE Caps, 100 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 7, 2014
Verified Purchase

I suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue which began happening about 17 years ago. I found a supplement that contained amino acids and DMAE. My condition was reversed for the 8 years I took it until they deleted it. My health went downhill for the next 6 years. I had to leave work and was placed on disability due to the debilitating effects of my condition. I tried to replicate the amino mix many times but never noticed a difference. When I was in remission, the supplements made me feel like superwoman. A few weeks ago, my memory had gotten really bad and I saw the DMAE was the only ingredient I hadn't yet tried. I didn't think much of it as I had thought it only improved concentration and memory. A few days after taking it my energy sored and I didn't know why. I asked my son if he was feeling better from what I was putting in our smoothies and he said he was exhausted. So I looked for an adrenal complex for him and found one that contained DMAE. Apparently DMAE, vitamin B5, and vitamin C help to produce adrenal hormone so I suddenly realized where my increased energy was coming from. I told my sister and her and her husband began taking these caps. She now has all her friends on them and her energy has increased to the point where they call them their speed tabs. This is an incredible product. I was also attracted to Source Naturals DIM and discovered that this and the DMAE are both Methyl donors. Dr Jack Tips believes that all disease goes back to a Methylation deficiency. I have since begun the DIM and my muscle is building and my fatigue has been substantially reduced after less than a week on them. There is a lot to say for Methyls and well being.

Posted on Aug 8, 2012
Verified Purchase

I've been using this product for over a year. It gives me physical energy and mental focus. It also improves my emotional state & mood, and makes me a lot more confident! I can strike up a conversation with anyone anywhere! Bought it to boost mental focus to study. It helped my (self-diagnosed)ADD like a charm!!! I could sit & study for hours, when I had to. I could also organize paperwork and declutter closets, which I was extremely challenged with before. It motivates to exercise, so I'd lost weight and toned up quite a bit :)) I usually take only 1 cap first thing in the morning. Its much better than coffee! I like the low dose, because I'm very sensitive to anything. Occasionally, if I need an extra boost, I'll take another around 3pm. Taken later, it keeps me up too late. One side effect, if the dose is too high, you may get stiff neck. But it took me a year before I'd experienced that. I just lowered the dose back to 1 pill and it was gone. ***Great product!*** Btw, its found in fish, mostly sardines. But you have to eat A LOT to get the amount. UPDATE *** 2014 *** I took a break from this, as it's healthy to do now & then with any supplements. And in a couple of months I noticed that my facial skin got kind of older and dull. Oops... One major positive effect of this is it's rejuvenation of skin! So I started taking it again, only a much lower dose (about 30mg, i.e. 1/3 of the capsule - I just open the capsule and put the powder on my tongue, it tastes sour, but bearable). I'm taking a lower dose, because after a long-term use I'm no longer deficient, it seems, and don't need as much. It still has a significant effect on my ability to focus (on boring things!) and keeps me even keel, too! As for the skin, I need to take it for a while to be able to tell.