1 Reviews - MediNatura, ClearLife, Allergy Relief Drops, 15 Vials, 0.02 fl oz (0.45 ml) Each - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 28, 2013
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I have only been taking this for 4 days so cannot say whether this will result in long term effectiveness. I tried it because my eyes are miserably sore all the time. They are blurred, light sensitive, fell dry and are gritty 24/7. I have tried nearly all of the OTC drops and a number of the natural preparations from iherb as well. nothing really works and those that help a little, I have to cycle through every month or two to keep them being effective. Recently I have taken to wearing moisture retaining glasses as its been a hot dry summer. I have never felt that homeopathy could be effective and have always viewed it as illogical so this is the first time I have tried a homeopathic preparation. Got Oculoheel as it was on special. First drops and there was a slight sensation of tingling and I thought this isn't going to work. Fell asleep with my daughter after school and woke to find that my eyes felt quite good. Used the Oculoheel again, woke up in the morning with a little discomfort but no pain. In 3 or 4 days, I have stopped needing the glasses (and have had fans on, my eyes are not sore (there's a slight sense of grittiness but easily ignored, are using about a 3rd as much of the Oculoheel as my current drops, can see clearer and am not affected by glare as much. I have checked and Oculoheel is particularly suited to longterm use. So if you have chronic dry sore eyes and have not tried this, do. So far and I know its only 4 days - this has been a Godsend and really my find of the decade. Fingers crossed it keeps on being effective!!!