1 Reviews - Planetary Herbals, Full Spectrum Shiitake, 450 mg, 60 Tablets - iHerb
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Posted on Mar 12, 2015
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Posted on Jun 12, 2016
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Small oblong tablets containing 450 mg of Shiitake fruit body extract, a unique fungus with a large set of active ingredients, including polysaccharide lentinan, glucan, lectins, sulfides, amino acid erytadenine, nucleic acids. ### The Japanese consider Shiitake the fungus of God, the mushroom of the sleeping Buddha, which was offered to emperors for the extension of youth and maintenance of health. Decoctions and healing infusions cleaned the blood, helped to improve well-being, and maintained health in the period of epidemics. Lentinan - a virtually non-naturally occurring polysaccharide, producing perforin in the body, destroys tumor cells. It is successfully used by patients with an increased risk of cancer. Shiitake extract works well for patients who have undergone chemotherapy. Studies by Japanese scientists have shown that erythadenin helps lower cholesterol levels. As is known, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes are often accompanied by impotence. It is with these diseases that atherosclerotic lesions in the arteries of the penis can be observed, therefore shiitake is often used for the treatment of impotence. Shiitake provides protection to liver cells when they are damaged from various viruses, drugs, autoimmune aggression. At the same time, the normal metabolism in the liver and the production of enzymes are restored. When hepatitis shiitake provides a hepatoprotective effect, improves the functional state of the liver, reduces enzyme, increases reparative tissue regeneration. Possessing powerful immunomodulatory properties and having the ability to suppress the action of viruses and bacteria, shiitake found its application in the prevention of colds. ### The list of indications for the use of shiitake is so great that practically every person has a reason for receiving it. It should be remembered that the effectiveness can be judged only at the course of admission (the recommended dosage is 2 tablets 2 times a day between meals). Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age under 5 years, bronchial asthma, individual intolerance.