Page 2 - Reviews - NuNaturals, Alcohol Free Stevia, 2 fl oz (59 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 18, 2024
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NuNaturals Stevia is a sugar substitute that stands out for its unique selling point - the use of glycerin to eliminate the common aftertaste associated with many other stevia products. While it offers a high-quality sweetening experience, it comes with a notable drawback: its cost when compared to similar sweeteners. Pros: Glycerin-Based: The use of glycerin in NuNaturals Stevia is a game-changer for those who dislike the bitter aftertaste often found in stevia-based sweeteners. It provides a genuinely enjoyable and clean sweetness without any lingering unpleasantness. No Sugar or Calories: As a sugar substitute, NuNaturals Stevia is ideal for those looking to reduce their sugar intake or manage their calorie consumption. It can be a helpful addition to a variety of diets, including those for weight management and diabetes. Versatile: NuNaturals Stevia can be used in a wide range of culinary applications, from beverages and baking to cooking savory dishes. Its versatility makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen. Natural Origin: NuNaturals Stevia is derived from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is appreciated by those seeking natural sweeteners and avoiding artificial additives. Cons: Pricey: The major downside of NuNaturals Stevia is its cost. It tends to be more expensive than many other stevia-based sweeteners on the market. This higher price point can be a deterrent for budget-conscious consumers. Personal Preference: While the glycerin eliminates the aftertaste for most people, taste preferences vary. Some individuals may still detect a faint taste that they find off-putting. In summary, NuNaturals Stevia is an excellent choice for those seeking a sugar substitute that doesn't leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Its glycerin-based formula offers a genuinely satisfying sweetening experience. However, its premium price tag compared to similar products in the market may make it less accessible to budget-conscious consumers. If you prioritize taste and don't mind spending a bit more on a high-quality sweetener, NuNaturals Stevia is worth considering.

Posted on Jun 17, 2024
Posted on Jun 15, 2024
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Posted on Jun 10, 2024