1 Reviews - Jarrow Formulas, Beta Glucan, 250 mg, 60 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 17, 2024
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Quality: Brand Reputation: Jarrow Formulas is a generally well-regarded brand known for high-quality, science-backed supplements [review sites]. Look for: Certifications like USP or IGEN Non-GMO Tested on the label for an extra layer of quality assurance. Ingredient: Primary Ingredient: Beta-glucans (typically derived from baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) - The amount of beta-glucans per capsule will vary depending on the specific product (check the label). Look for "(1,3-β-linked) beta-glucans" on the label, as this is the most potent form. Composition: This is a simple beta-glucan supplement derived from yeast. Package Size and Dosage: Package Size: Typically comes in bottles of 60, 100, or 120 capsules. Dosage: Varies depending on the product's potency (beta-glucan content) and your needs (check the label for recommended serving size). Consult a doctor for a personalized dosage recommendation. Benefits: Beta-glucans are natural fibers that may support the immune system by activating immune cells [National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health]. Potential benefits include reducing the frequency and severity of upper respiratory infections and supporting overall immune health [review sites]. Reviews: Some users report benefits for immune system function, experiencing fewer colds and flus [review sites]. However, individual results and effectiveness can vary. Taste: Beta-glucans themselves likely have little to no taste. Reviews suggest capsules might mask any taste, but some users may still experience a slightly yeasty aftertaste. Additional Considerations: Consult a doctor before taking beta-glucan, especially if you have pre-existing conditions, are pregnant, nursing, or take medications. Beta-glucan may interact with some medications.