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Posted on Jan 24, 2018
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I bought to make my salt sole. I switch between my celtic sea salt and this everytime one has been used up. Salt binds the toxic halides like bromide and flouride and flush them out of our bodies. I put a tablespoon of salt sole in my jug of water everyday. Its full of minerals as well. Ditched your tablesalts now and use this for drinking and also for cooking. BROMIDE IS TOXIC We should have ZERO bromide/bromine in our body but we all do to some degree or another. The way to get rid of it = first is to know the sources of it and try to avoid as best we can. Second, we need to use iodine to push it out. Supplementing with iodine is tricky business though, a lot of factors involved. Now, I want to share some sources of bromine/bromide so you all can be more aware of where it is lurking. Possible Sources of Bromide: - Fire retardants added to many common household items such as; mattresses, carpeting, furniture foam, plastics of computers, televisions, radios, clothing (like brand new kids PJ's for ex), draperies etc... - Pesticides ( this is one reason why organic is so important, berries are especially susceptible to holding bromide from pesticides, ALWAYS buy organic berries) - Anti-caking agent used in bread making process - Brominated vegetable oil may be added to citrus flavored drinks (including Mountain Dew, AMP Energy drink, and some Gatorade products) - Antibacterial agent for pools and hot tubs - Certain asthma inhalers and prescription drugs (including Atrovent inhaler, Atrovent nasal spray, Ipratropium nasal spray, Pro-Panthine, Pyridostigmine bromide, and the Spiriva HandiHaler) - Plastic products - Some personal care products - Some fabric dyes - Fumigant for termites and other pests - Pasta and cereal (Brominated flour) - Some Anti- depressants (including: Celexa, Cipramil, Dalsan, Emocal, Recital, Sepram and Seropram). The products I select are mostly clean without the fillers and additives. Your kind support of my healing cancer naturally is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
