Page 2 - Reviews - Solaray, Phytoestrogen + EFAs with Wild Yam, Black Cohosh & Dong Quai, 60 Softgels - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Aug 18, 2023
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New from Solaray! Gorgeous composition. 7 in one. Phytoestrogens – soy, black cohosh, wild yam, dong quai with essential fatty acids like borage seed oil, evening primrose seed oil, organic linseed oil. Wild yam regulates the level of hormones in the body, thereby alleviating the symptoms of menopause, prevents the development of osteoporosis, and slows down the aging process. Black cohosh or cymifuga is used to maintain normal hormonal balance, to relieve and relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, etc. Boosts Fertility It is also known under other names - angelica officinalis, Chinese angelica, "Angelica". In the East it is called "female ginseng". It is considered one of the main female herbs. Regulates female hormones, restores the menstrual cycle, is used for menopause and hot flashes. Soy isoflavones are a natural source of the female hormone estrogen. The main soy isoflavones are genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. They help to normalize the hormonal background in women, especially in middle age. As a result, discomfort during menopause is eliminated. Borage seed oil or borage oil, borage - a natural source of omega-6 restores hormonal balance, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Good for skin, especially dry, mature skin. Evening primrose seed oil - a source of omega-6 fatty acids, regulates the production of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, thereby eliminating the symptoms of menopause. Linseed oil is a feminine oil. Helps to preserve the beauty and health of women after 40 and more. The plant estrogens included in the composition help regulate hormonal levels.