1 Reviews - Source Naturals, DuraFlora, 120 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 1, 2013
Verified Purchase

Probiotics are one of the most important supplements that are often ignored. About 70% of our immune system is in our entire digestive system (mouth to anus). Probiotics work by ‘crowding’ outthe ‘bad’ bacteria in our body. The healthy gut generally consists of 90-95% of ‘good’ bacteria. However due to widespread use of antibiotics as drug and in food (from meat) and chlorine in the water, the structure of our microflora is constantly disrupted, allowing the ‘bad’ bacteria to dominate. This leads to depleted and overstres sed immune system, bloating, gas, diarrhea and as well as toxins released by the ‘bad’ bacteria. Therefore it is strongly need to supply with probiotics daily. Other than overwhelming the ‘bad’ bacteria in numbers, the ‘good’ bacteria are also known to produce 90% of our daily need of vitamin B complex, vitamin K, enzymes to digest food and boost our immunity. What makes this probiotic different is that it is not commonly used (can be quite hard to find this strain), is known to be highly resilient and very shelf stable even at warm temperature. This is important as I live in a warm climate and mostly probiotic product cannot even survive the journey without ice. Personally, this feels like it works well and helps to reduce bloating and gas ses. The capsules are made of gelatin (not for vegetarian), very small and easy to swallow. The product uses cheap fillers (calcium) as filler and uses magnesium stearate as flow agents as well. Another thing to note is that the number of probiotic count is at the time of encapsulation so the actual amount at the time of consumption might be les ser. Pricewise, it is reasonable and competitive to other probiotic though this is a single strain product. Check out my page for more reviews!